School Sustainability: Making Green Schools a Possibility

Posted by Marcell Haywood on May 26, 2016 9:00:00 AM
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school sustainability

Encompass Onsite’s Green Program provides Energy Management, Waste Management and Green Cleaning Solutions to institutions of all sizes and complexities. 

Through our complete onsite management model, we are able to offer each campus 100% customizable solutions, improved efficiency, and sustainable practices in an environment that attracts only the most talented maintenance professionals. 

Here’s a quick look at the energy, waste, and cleaning components of our Green Program, a program built to make green schools and true school sustainability possible.

Energy Management

Our engineers have identified energy savings opportunities in 98% of our educational institution clients through our bundled services offering, suggesting cutting edge energy management expertise as a key pillar in recovering or redeploying critical physical plant dollars. 

Waste Management

Our waste management solutions, including recycling programs, waste stream audits, biohazard remediation, and biohazard waste removal, help institutions achieve a higher level of environmental performance. We’ll help you enhance your facility’s current green initiatives and identify areas where improvements can be made.

Green Cleaning 

According to RAMP (Regional Asthma Management and Prevention), “the very products used to keep schools clean and healthy contribute to poor indoor air quality (IAQ), seriously affecting those with asthma or other respiratory problems.”

In an effort to improve indoor air quality and avoid any cleaning agents that could negatively affect students, Encompass Onsite has made a commitment to green cleaning.

We use certified green cleaning products that:

  • Pose less health risk: A report by the Environmental Working Group found that certified green cleaning products “contained one-third the chemicals” with known health effects compared to traditional cleaning products used in schools.
  • Are better for the environment: According to RAMP, “green cleaning products must meet stringent criteria to ensure they are environmentally preferable.” This includes being less likely to build up in the body, being free of ozone-depleting chemicals, and having fewer smog-producing chemicals.
  • Help schools save money: Reducing the number of products used and using concentrated green cleaning products with automatic dilution equipment can save schools money. In fact, one Palm Beach County School District projected annual savings of $360,000 after phasing green cleaning products into all 180 of its schools.
  • Are safer for workers: Green cleaning products must meet standards for inhalation toxicity, combustibility, and absorption through the skin. 


Overall, our maintenance, custodial and grounds personnel have invested over one million hours in the delivery of custodial services, campus energy management solutions, general maintenance and physical plant support services. 

The result is maximum availability and reliability of physical plant assets, process and people integrity, increased safety, and reduced life cycle costs. Most importantly, it increases school sustainability and creates a campus environment that students, parents, faculty and staff can all be proud of.

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Topics: Sustainability, Education

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